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Upload Photos to Rider Pride Inside

Have you been to a Rider game with us? Have we watched a game together at the Pub or your house? Upload the pictures to share with the rest of the Rider Nation in our Gallery.

Follow these simple steps to connect to the RiderPrideInside File Sharing Centre.

FTP Instructions for FTP Client Software

Recommended for all uploads, especially multiple files or larger files. You can use an FTP client (ie. FileZilla is an open source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, in other words - it's FREE!). Simply type into the Host field, your RPI username and Password into the appropriate fields and enter port 21 if necssary . Again, if you do not have access, contact us to get it.

FTP Instructions for Internet Explorer

Recommended only as a last resort. This type of file transfer is not guaranteed.

1. Open your Internet Explorer Program
2. In the address bar, type
3. When the login window pops up, enter your RPI username and password. If you do not have one, contact us to get it. After you have done so, click ENTER.

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